
I was looking over my site and was checking out all of my pics, and realized under all of these pictures of gruesome drains, incisions, secretions and swelling is my niece. I think she deserves her own post, not one with a bunch of boobs!

I’m not the only one experiencing wonderfulness today though. My sweet little niece Emma Kate got a pony, which she named McDonald, who has Tina Turner hair. Here is a pic of her riding McDonald.
Now there my friends, is some wonderfulness!


I will no longer accept the excuse of “I don’t know how to cook” from my husband. Eric woke me up this morning to make sure that I had taken my medicine, which I hadn’t because for the first time since my surgery I slept in until 0945. It was awesome. Anyways….he asked what I wanted for breakfast and since I need to push the protein I said eggs. He made me an egg sandwich and didn’t ask me once how to do something. It was delicious. And nice. But, poor Eric, the excuse of “I don’t know how to cook” will never work again.