I made it

Whew! What a day. It was wonderful to see everyone at work and they all were genuinely excited to see me.always makes you feel good when someone is excited to see you. I fell right back into the routine. Just forgot a few stupid things, but all in all it was a great first day back. I wasn’t sure it was going to be all that great when I woke up tho. Apparently I cannot use Aquaphor anymore. I put it on my cheat and torso before bed last night per MD request, and I woke up with A red angry rash all over the places I put the Aquaphor. That stuff is for babies right? What the heck? I took an Allegra hoping that would help and it did somewhat. The rash isn’t as raised now but still is and it’s very itchy, but not looking as angry. Just took a Benadryl, hopefully that helps.

My back is unbelievably sore. I expected this. It’s like when you start going to the gym andyou have teeny weeny muscles and you hurt after every workout until your body is conditioned enough to both yet any more and be used to the load you place on it. Alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Not cutting it completely, but I am so tired it doesn’t really matter. I am sure I will really be feeling it tomorrow, but I just gotta push through it to the other side.

Fortunately I have awesome co-workers that were there to support me and make my day easier in any way they could. Thank you so much everyone!

Had an interesting interaction with a few patients that really got me thinking about things. I love it when someone stimulated my mind.

Enough mind stimulation for now, I’m off to bed, gotta work in the am. Thank you God for getting me through the day.

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